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Whole Leaf Teas

All our tea is ‘forest friendly’. Our partners in tea, specialise in producing speciality tea from wild Camellia Sinensis Aassamica tea plants, native to northern Thailand. Camellia Sinensis Assamica is an extremely rare species and accounts for only 1% of global tea, making it a tea well worth preserving. Growing tea in its natural environment has three major benefits. 

  1. The forests are preserved, maintaining biodiversity and preventing soil erosion. 
  2. The tea plant retains its natural defences against insects and parasites, allowing it to be grown organically, free from herbicides and pesticides. 
  3. When growing teas in harmony with diverse native plants and herbs in their natural habitat, the flavours are richer and wilder. 

Our pure teas have deep authentic character. Blended with our authentic pure teas, Bloss has a selection of flavoured teas. Our favoured teas are mixed with natural flavourings and do not contain artificial components.